The sun is quickly setting on this year at Roblealto. Friday evening was graduation. Sunday afternoon was the closing service and visit with the children's parents. Tonight is the last night of fellowship and fireworks, and tomorrow the kids go home. Some to stay for good. Others just for a few weeks. In some ways, the year has flown by, but in other ways, I definitely feel like it's been a while since last Christmas break. It's beautiful to see how some families have progressed: one boy that arrived in May is leaving to live with his parents again. He has had a dramatic change in his life. The children certainly aren't angels by the time they leave the HB, but they have learned to be more respectful, patient, obedient, and a host of other virtues. And they have heard the good news of Jesus, the only One who can bring lasting changes to their lives. This year, there are a couple kids leaving who have been with us for quite some time. Their mother has gotten her act together, and we are so happy for them! Sadly, another family that has been with us for two years already seems to be regressing. The children will not be able to spend Christmas with their mother. The poor decisions she has been making has been having powerful negative effects on her children and we are very concerned. Please join me in praying for this family in particular, and for the things we are most concerned about to be resolved as soon as possible.
Thank you for partnering with me and walking alongside me as I serve God and those who are dear to him here.
I'm not sure if a Christmas Eve edition of Tico Tuesday will make it out, due to the holiday, and the 31st I'll be traveling. But, you will surely get a December Chronicle before the year's end!
In the meantime, May God fill us all with his joy, peace, and love. That same God who took on flesh, Emmanuel--God with us--is still Emmanuel today.
Merry Christmas!