This is my tica mom, Ana Victoria. Normally one's “mamatica” is one's host mom, but I don't keep in touch with my former host parents anymore and I live with a Honduran family and this lady is by far the tica who is most motherly to me. She is a very kind, loving, caring, selfless person. She and I have spent a lot of time together and thus have a strong foundation in our friendship. Mami and I often share prayer requests with one another and it means a lot to us that we can confide in one another. She still can never come close to my REAL Mommy, but she is an enormous blessing to me here. We like to splurge once a month and share a big piece of yummy chocolate cake from the restaurant next door to church. I'll have to post a picture of that later this week!
God bless our moms and mother-figured in our lives! As says one of my favorite quotes from the movie Hook, “You need a mommy, very very badly!!”
PS. Don't forget to head to my blog for more stories and thoughts!
PPS. My Mom race a race this past weekend with my brother and she WON her category!!! Way to go, Mommy!!!
Last Wednesday was Independence day here and in the rest of Central America. We had a wonderful day off and enjoyed watching the parade go through town, eating helado de sorbetera (a kind of homemade ice cream), and just hanging out. Pictures are on facebook, and will be tagged and commented upon soon. I spent most of the day with Mami (Ana Victoria), Papi (her husband William), their daughters Diana and Veronica, Albeiro and Jorgito. We had a blast! I'd write more but I've come down with a cold and am really tired.
So, perhaps more later.
The other thing I'd like to share though is something that my cousin Christianne shared with me yesterday when we skyped. You know how we talk about our problems and tend to categorize them and say that some are really big and important and some are pretty small and insignificant?
In the sermon she heard Sunday night the pastor explained that to God even mountains, and mountain-sized problems, are TINY to God because everything is tiny to Him!! He is HUGE, the Master and Creator of the Universe and everything!!! To Him everything is little! But, to Him EVERYTHING is significant! Our “little” problems matter just as much to him as our “ginormous” ones!!! How cool is that? WE matter to God! He loves us far more than we could ever imagine and He cares even about the littles details in our lives! How great is that? How great is our GOD!!!
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