It's Just a
Spirit Thing
Having a broken dehumidifier was really driving me nuts. Mold was growing on my walls. YUCK! So, I cleaned it off. With what I thought was a strong bleach water solution. That took 2 hours... and about 3 days later it was growing back. AAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!! And then the other night I felt like it was starting to smell yucky in my room. I noticed mold on my feather-down pillow. Stress. Angst. Desperation. It was bad. A friend had offered to help me look in to getting my dehumidifier fixed and he finally came to pick it up the other day so he could take it to the guy to have him look at it, but I was sick of waiting. I went to the biggest local hardware store and asked what they had for dehumidifiers. My little one that sucked around a half gallon of water out of the air in 3 days cost me around $95 last year. It was an expensive bugger, but I'm glad I bought it or else I would probably be living in a different apt by now. The local hardware place only had one. It was big (more normal dehumidifier size), and cost a whopping $340. I was feeling anxious about the mold in my room, but that was way out of my range. The disappointment continued. Until yesterday morning. I felt a little urge inside of me telling me to look for used dehumidifiers online. I'd never seen one on there before (and in various seasons I've checked these websites with some frequency for appliances), but I listened to the Holy Spirit's nudge and went onto craigslist (yes, we have it here!). It took me straight to the appliance page and WOW!

There at the top of the list was a dehumidifier! I couldn't believe it! So, I wrote to inquire more about it, and the lady told me somebody else was interested in it. I stressed briefly, but I knew God had set it apart for me. The other guy just
had to decide he didn't want it. I prayed. (Part of me really knew it was mine, but another part of me wondered if it really was. How do you find that line between faith and arrogance?) God was, and is, faithful! I got an e-mail last night saying the guy had refused. Praise the Lord! Oh and the price? $80. It was not the most pleasant 75 minute ride through the mountains in heavy rains to pick it up today, but I knew I was not alone. God is good, and he cares about the horrible mold in my room (which I cleaned off this morning with a
really strong bleach solution. You can still see some stains on the walls though).
As my former supervisor told me the other day, we have to give praise and glory to God and recount his great deeds to others! He is continuing to provide funds for the Los Guido Child Care Center in amazing ways. And he sent me a blessed, good brand, energy star dehumidifier that can do what my old one used to do in 2 hours.
What is something great God has done in or around you lately? Tell others and write to me so we can glorify God together! (Psalm 34:3)
Giving thanks to God,