It's that time again... I had an appointment at Migration last week to see what they had to tell me about my request for permanent residency that I submitted in October. They told me that I'm not eligible for permanent residency yet! This is due to previous migratory woes: that time it took 19 months for me to get a new residency card and I ended up having to change migratory categories to one that isn't eligible for permanent residency. Once I switched categories again a misinformed worker at Migration told me I'd be eligible for permanent residency when this card expired. So that bad news is, I need to pay more money and renew my current temporary residency as a religious worker because it's not good for me to go about life with an expired residency card and nothing in process for a new one. The good news is, I have an appointment in December once I will actually be eligible for permanent residency, and I have a nice, helpful man on the inside doing everything he can to make things work out favorably for me. Tomorrow at 9:30am (11:30am Eastern) I have an appointment to hand in the paperwork for renewing my current residency. Please pray they accept the paperwork and that there are no further complications in this process.

It's not fun stuff, but recently reading "Jesus Calling" reminded me that "in this world you will have many troubles, but take heart, I have overcome the world" (my paraphrase of John 16:33). I don't know if migratory woes are the kind of troubles Jesus might have been referring to, but it is good to remember that life won't always be easy and that whatever happens is an opportunity to trust God and grow closer to him. He has everything under control.
And so, instead of boring migration paperwork, I send you a picture of my latest creation and a place I hope to go soon on a day off! I present you: don Mario's birthday cake.
May God give you strength and wisdom in whatever troubles you may be facing (and a good trip to the beach soon)! Thank you for your prayers!
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