Greetings from snowy Portland, ME!
The guy next to me on my flight to Portland asked if I was going home and I told him, "Well, from home to home." Yes, home is Costa Rica, I've spent almost 9 years there now, and most of my post-college adult life. But home is also wherever my parents are, and especially Maine, since I did much of my growing up here. It's hard having my heart in two places, loving two cultures, loving so many people, missing the one deeply when I'm at the other. But, that's just part of my life and calling.
Anyway, I wanted to tell you today about the Christmas party I served at on Saturday. It was for 200+ children in Guararí, the poorest part of my province, Heredia. We had cupcakes, juice, hot dogs, goody bags, and a present for every child, along with face painting, several piñatas, clowns, music, games, and a well known Christian soccer player. We also had tons of donated clothes, so we were pulling aside moms throughout the morning to help them select clothes for their family. My church has been doing this for several years, but it was the first time I participated. It brought back a lot of reminders of fun times I had serving at the Bible Home. At risk children will always have a special place in my heart. I loved having a girl grab my hand and start a game of tag with me, getting to involve the children in the different songs and activities we did, having a boy put my arm around him, and just getting to be with them and love on them through playing together and serving them. It was so fun and life-giving. Indeed, it is far better to give than receive.
I won't be sending out a Tico Tuesday next week as I seek to make the most of my time here with my parents, so, Merry Christmas to you all! Christ has come and he is coming again! May we continue to hope in the Lord and grow in his love, joy, and peace! God so loved the world that he sent his son Jesus that we might have peace and eternal life with him! Glory to God!
With love and deep gratitude for you all,
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