Happy Tuesday to you once more!
This morning we had a special breakfast celebrating the jobs of the International & National Development Departments of Roblealto. They do a different recognition at the end of each year for people who have been there 5 years, 10, etc. This was just a special breakfast for the association to tell us that they love us, they appreciate us and want us to keep up the good work! As you can see we enjoyed a traditional breakfast of fruit followed by eggs, gallo pinto, tortillas and bread. A little heavy on the carbs, but breakfast is the big meal of the day here. Anyway, one person was assigned to each person who was being celebrated. And that person made a card and prayed for the person that corresponded to them. Doña Carmen made me a really sweet card. Another lady from the Nat'l Dept got an acrostic of her name that was really colorful and creative. We ended the time by sharing testimonies from our departments and then praying together. It was a beautiful moment!
May God bless you with many beautiful moments this week!
Isn't Roblealto great? The breakfast was a really nice thing I'd never heard of before, but I like it a lot. It is nice, especially for those of us who haven't been around long enough to be included in some kind of recognition thing.

The other big news of the week thus far is that Roblealto got a donation of Tdap (tetanus, etc) vaccines and so we the employees got vaccinated for FREE!!!! I was due this year anyway! Does God have perfect timing or what? I was a little nervous getting the shot.... 1) because I hate shots and 2) because it was the first injection one of my parents had NOT given to me since I got my yellow fever vaccine in 2005. Not that I get stuck that often.... but my parents have given me all my injections for as long as I can remember. I clearly remember my last tetanus booster ... I was babysitting 2 kids. We were playing in the kitchen in our house in Auburn, ME (sigh). They had on play armor and I was talking to the little boy when my mother approached me with a needle and got me right in front of the kid. I'm glad he wasn't traumatized by that. I sure was... Ok, not really, but I remember the moment vividly.
Then there was part 2 of my hep A that Mommy gave me in the kitchen of our house in Old Orchard Beach, ME right before I went back to Grove City for my sophomore year. I had on a Gordon College t-shirt. She stuck me and she hit an artery and blood literally spurted out of my arm. Sorry for not warning this would be a little gory. I grew up with this kind of thing as typical dinnertime conversation though and wouldn't change it for the world. Anyway, the blood squirted out and it got on my shirt and Mommy didn't have anything to wipe anything off with but the wrapper of the syringe. It was SO HILARIOUS!!! And there really wasn't that much blood. Aren't you glad you're reading this? These are fun stories! So I get back to college and I'm wearing the same shirt (with the blood stain washed out). I recounted the story to a couple of my friends after having lunch and one of my friends for some reason wipes her sticky hands on it (it was one of those wonderful close, I'll do anything to you and I know you won't care kind of friendships. And we're still friends to this day!). It was bizarre but hilarious. I guess the shirt getting blood on it the last time somehow made it ok to get peanut butter on it that time. Whatever!
Then, there was the TB test Daddy did for me before I started college. He had to leave the HUGE needle in me FOREVER!!!! We were in the dining room of the house in Auburn (sigh... I miss that house and it being my "home"). He finally finished and got the needle out. Then, I got really dizzy. I asked if it was ok for me to be that dizzy. I was wearing a navy sweater. I think the one that had been Grammy's. Anyway, then next thing I knew I was waking up, and the first thing I thought was, why am I not in my bed? Where are my pink and green pastel sheets? Why am I on the dining room floor? My glasses had fallen off. Luckily I didn't hit my head on the table leg but apparently I came really close. I was only out for a few seconds, but I almost felt like I'd slept a whole night. Oh the memories! Well, there you have my exciting injection stories.
The End.
PS. MY ARM DOESN'T HURT FROM MY SHOT YESTERDAY (and everyone else's at the office does! Except for 1 other girl... jijijijiji)