Happy Wednesday! Sorry for the delay, but the internet was down last night. (And as a heads up, with holidays falling on the next couple Tuesdays, Tico Tuesday will be coming out on Wednesday for the next 2 weeks.)
Friday was a roller coaster of a day. In the morning when I got to work, I
ran into one of our house helpers. She was crying because her
daughter had just miscarried at 7 months. My heart broke for her and
her family and I was practically in tears as I prayed with her and
hugged her.
Then, I came home to find my facebook
full of comments about the atrocities committed that morning in
Connecticut. Over 20 parents lost their babies on Friday. It could
have been those kindergarteners who crossed the stage at the Bible
Home. It could have been my friend Fau. This world is a dark,
frightening place, but I thank Jesus, the Light of the World, for
coming and giving us his light and life, that we may share his love
and light with others. He brought us hope. This is the message I
share with ever-growing conviction as I serve children and their
families that come from very dark “hopeless” situations. Jesus
is the Light, he is our only hope. He is the way, the truth and the
life. He works in ways we don't understand, and he has the amazing
capability of bringing good out of even the most dark, horrendous
situations. Please join me in praying for all those who are suffering
the loss of a loved one as a result of the Sandy Hook shooting, not
just today or this week, but for months and years to come.
Thank you!
This just in! I now only need 8 more supporters at
$50/month and 3 more at $25/month in order to be at full
support. Will you help make it possible for me to continue sharing
Jesus' light and love with children and families in need?