I hate it when my ugly side comes out. That part of me that nobody seems to like, including me. And I'm embarrassed to have it happen. Isn't Jesus supposed to have fixed that by now? Why does it always come back to my pride, my selfishness, my desire to always be the center of attention, my thoughtlessness, my insensitivity to tico culture and its delicate, sensitive people,
et cetera, et cetera, et cetera? Haven't I strategized enough on ways to avoid this? Come on, Carrie Jo. Some missionary you are.

Sometimes I feel like there are seasons when my imperfection is totally rampant and I'm just a disaster. But when I really think about it, those are actually the times when my pride is in check and I'm being more honest with myself. I'm a horribly broken person. This is why I need a Savior. It is truly through the grace of God alone that He does anything through me.
Call me crazy, but I actually like these times of ugliness and discomfort, because they allow me to open up the door again and let God work more in this mess of a young lady. And they enable me to see my heavenly Father's raw, scandalous love and grace for a wretch like me. I think this is why I love Lent so much. (It officially starts tomorrow, but I feel like mine started last week.)
May we all open ourselves to God again/more and let him continue to conform us to his Image.
PS I took this picture in my sunset spot, in front of a horse pasture about a 100 feet from my apartment. I'm trying to start the habit of going out to watch sunset and praising and thanking God for the day. I really like it!
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