Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tico Tuesday, May 14th

Happy Tuesday to you!
I feel like I could write you another Chronicle again already. This weekend, I was finally able to get back to Isla Venado again. It was a great trip, but I came back with a heavy heart. There are some really difficult family situations people I know and love there are facing. On a more positive note, I learned how to make the delicious frozen coconut treats (apretados) and my little freezer is full of them! And as Jessica and I were saying good bye to Pastor Eladio and doña Epi, an idea came to me: what if we had a "Family Conference" for the people on the island and have different sessions on marital relationships, parenting, and how children can honor their parents? I'm talking with someone here about leading this, and ask you to join me in praying for it to come together!
But back to the heavy heart. Apart from the prayer requests I mention for the Bible Home, I feel like I often paint the Bible Home in pretty rosy tones. I genuinely believe it is a wonderful place and everyone who comes can feel God's presence. But, some really sad, tough stuff happens too. House parents get tired, sick, and burnt out. Some children talk and laugh through devotions and prayer. Today I was in one of the houses, and when I got up for a moment a kid wrote a bad word in my textbook I'd been reading. Sometimes my coworkers and I have miscommunications. The kids steal, lie, are violent, defiant, disrespectful, and disobedient. They can be so sweet and loving though, that sometimes it's all too easy for me to forget the extremely difficult realities these kids are coming from. It is good for me to remember the kids' backgrounds, and that they are in desperate need of love, acceptance, and comprehensive help. So, my heart is heavy for all these things too.
Life is hard, and with a lot of really tough stuff. I'm so grateful for the hope we have in Jesus and for God's amazing love and grace!
God's peace and joy be with you whatever you're currently facing. There is hope and you are loved!

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