Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Tico Tuesday, August 9th

Today has been an interesting day here in Costa Rica. My friends' children, who go to a private school here, had school canceled due to a protest staged by the "official" taxis. These red taxis are known for taking advantage of the system and not always providing the best service. They've essentially had a monopoly for a long time and are very unhappy with Uber as an unregulated competitor. Since Uber has been in the country (around a year), they have been complaining about Uber stealing their clients. So, to get the government's attention, today they blocked all the major entryways to San José. In response, Uber offered service for a thousand colones, which is less than $2.
Unfortunately, this peace-loving country is not always so peaceful. I suppose the fact that a taxi protest is a big deal for us makes it look like there aren't many big issues here, but indeed, even here in one of the happiest countries in the world, things are not perfect. I've been realizing the government here is a lot more corrupt than I'd thought (and there are a number of other issues I won't get into here right now). And today, there was some violence: a policeman lost a few teeth in an incident with a taxi driver. Thankfully, I don't think there was anything beyond that, but still, it's not a matter of comparison. There was no need for any violence at all. It was a day of concern for many.
Please be praying for Costa Rica as a country. It faces many challenges: trying to be like a developed country, yet still very much in development. Bigger cars on the same narrow roads with no shoulders. (Not to mention the potholes and little to no street signs). There is poor/limited infrastructure and a rapidly growing population. Pray for the Body of Christ here to be centered on Truth and to unite and act to bring God's kingdom here on earth. I know my church is doing the best we can to bring light to our dark corner of the world and am proud to be a part of it. Yet there is still a long ways to go.
May God use us all to be bearers of his light and love wherever we are,

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