Greetings! As you (hopefully) read at the end of my Chronicle last week, I had an arthroscopy on my right knee on Friday. Since then, several people have been helping me very generously: bringing & preparing me food, helping me with the ice machine I have to use on my knee every 4 hours, just being present while I bathe and then helping squeegee the shower floor so it doesn't get slippery, etc., etc., etc. I have never had to be so dependent on people before. It's challenging. But I am hugely grateful. I am grateful for the success of the surgery (both my family practice doctor and my orthopedist were present and pleased with the outcome). Basically my patella was moving a lot horizontally upon contracting my leg and surgical intervention was the best solution. It had been causing me pain for some time and I hadn't felt it very newsworthy, so while maybe it seemed I had a sudden surgery, I've been dealing with knee pain most of this year (and on various occasions in past years as well). I pray I won't deal with future knee pain from here on!

While it is tiring to sit around all day, this has been a wonderful opportunity to grow friendships. This evening a woman near my age that just started coming to young adult group came over and we had a lovely time getting to know each other. I doubt that would have happened had I not had surgery, or at least not this soon after meeting each other! Yesterday a woman from my mission brought me a lovely lunch and we got to catch up. Normally I only see her at UWM activities a couple times a year. Today, the staff from church came to visit me and pray with me during lunch time (see photo). Numerous friends are checking in on me via text message and I have a long list of people I know I can call on in time of need.
I had a really helpful cultural conversation with Rudy (my head pastor here) on Thursday. He told me ticos rarely taking initiative is a cultural thing. It is something that often frustrates me, but hearing a tico tell me not to expect ticos to reach out to me was really helpful for me to hear, even though I sure don't understand it. That makes it a lot easier for me to reach out and call on others though. Sometimes it has felt tiring and it's been tempting to wonder if people actually care about me. This surgery experience is proving me that they really do! I'm learning a lot about my need to depend more on others and more on God. I can't do anything on my own! I praise him for his faithfulness and thank him for all the loving, supportive people he has placed around me, both near and far!
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