Friday, October 24, 2008

Fall Fun

While I was in high school one of my favorite parts of fall was going apple picking with my Mom. We'd go to the orchard, pick apples (and eat as many as we wanted while we picked) and then go home and make apple sauce and other delicious things which contained apples as a main ingredient. It was a delightful time-I loved sharing that time with her and there is nothing like eating crunchy, juicy apples, straight from the tree.
I didn't really get to do that while I was in college. Home was kind of far away and I never made it apple picking in Grove City. This year though, I am thinking (and hoping and praying) will be my last fall in the US for a few years, so I want to make the most of this time. I have loved the changing colors of the leaves, twice (in WY and PA), I bought apple cider last week, and yesterday and whole bunch of friends from school and I went to the apple orchard nearby. We couldn't "pick your own" because it was so late in the season, but we bought 3/4 bushel of apples and went home and baked up a storm. We had apple sauce, apple breads, apple pies, baked apples, apple slices with caramel and apple cider and candy corn. It was spectacular!!! I really enjoyed "being domestic" and cooking and baking all that wonderful food. And it was a great time to share with my friends.
I'll miss fresh apples in Costa Rica, but I know that there are much more important things to worry about there. Maybe I can start a tradition with mangoes!

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