On two occasions in the past couple weeks I've been asked to take care of most of the kids in the picture. (I took it in January and there have been a few changes since then).

By "take care," what I really mean is "babysit 11 children from the ages of 2-11." Yup, this house is on overload right now with 11 kids. Whenever there are special activities for the house moms, like on Mother's Day (August 15th in Costa Rica) or meetings for house couples, the Bible Home calls on people to keep an eye on the kids in each house. I consider it an honor that they would call me. When I think about it as babysitting 11 children with emotional and behavioral problems at no charge, I think it sounds crazy!!! But I truly consider it an honor and an Enormous Responsibility to watch out for these kids, even though they may be just be watching a movie and then going to bed. The second time I went to "babysit" (I don't feel like that term is really adequate here), one of the girls asked me why I wasn't their house mom. HA!!! It was flattering, to be sure. I could handle her, but the rest of them? Day in and day out? At this point in my life, it would undoubtedly be damaging for us all. Is being a house mom somewhere in my future? I don't know. Getting started is like jumping into a fire, and from what I've seen, being a house mom is one of the most difficult things ever. But it's there in the furnace where the broken can be restored and be made beautiful.
Thank you for praying with me not only for the children of Roblealto, but also for the valiant house parents who dedicate their lives and entire families to serving "the least of these."
May God's love and joy abound in you and your family,
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