Thursday greetings to you! Just checking to see if you were paying attention! It's been another full week on the mountainside of San Rafael, Heredia. A lot of big exciting changes are coming for my church with the implementation of the strategic plan and things I learned from the conference I went to in California, so my church and I are in need of your prayers even more than ever!

But today I want to tell you about the training retreat we had for the small group facilitators on Saturday. Wow, what a wonderful day! God's presence was with us from the moment it began to the very end (and he held off the rain until everyone left too!). I know God is always with us, but his presence was palpable. We started with a time of worship, then I sent everyone outside to spend some time in Psalm 139. After a coffee break, we divided everyone into 3 groups and had them create presentations about the vision, mission, and philosophy of small groups. This helped me get an idea of how much they all understand these things, and I was quite pleased with the results. The group that did the mission did such an amazing job I want them to do the skit in front of the whole church next time Rudy preaches on small groups! After the presentations, I explained how to do the spiritual health assessment and plan and sent everyone outside again to do them. After lunch I shared about some of the things I learned at the conference in California, as well as some of the plans we have for the future. Then we gave everyone some time to share together. We closed the day having people share briefly what impacted them or what God spoke to them during the day. It was beautiful to hear how God moved throughout the day and how people were challenged and encouraged. My team and I received a lot of positive feedback afterward, and I can only give all credit and glory to God. I felt so relaxed all day (unlike most other training events I've led). God's hand was definitely in charge of it all and I'm full of gratitude for all he is doing in me, in Small Groups, and in my church.
Thank you for your role in this. God is doing great things! May he continue to do great things in you too!
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