Me: Really? Thanks!
Tico: Yeah, I was commenting with someone and we were both amazed! You jumped better than all the ticos!
Me: Well, I don't know about that...
Tico: Seriously, we couldn't believe how good you were at it.
Me: Really? Well, I guess I have a fair bit of experience jumping rope.
Tico: Really? Do they jump rope in the US too?
Me: Yeah! It's really common there. I did it a ton at recess when I was little. (I didn't mention I've also been known to jump rope as an adult, primarily for the sake of exercise)
Tico: Oh wow! I had no idea! I thought we only did that here!
This conversation struck me really funny. I confess my initial gut reaction wasn't the most gracious. But, this person genuinely thought jump-roping was a tradition unique to Costa Rica (or perhaps Central/Latin America). I think a lot of times we have no reason to believe our assumptions are wrong until they are challenged. If only it was easier to discover our false assumptions!
This also reminds me of something my mom has told me multiple times: I'm not normal. I've had the opportunity to see and experience a lot of things in this world, a lot more than many people will ever get to in their lifetime. This person really had no way of knowing if jumping rope was a typical activity among children in the US or not. (Maybe it isn't so much anymore, though I sure hope that's not the case!)
And so, a lesson in extending grace, giving thanks for all the opportunities God has given me, and trying to be a little more careful about what assumptions I might be making.
More on this amazing Costa Rican Independence Day weekend next week!
Thanks for praying for me as I'm now 10 days away from my month long trip outside the country. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by work, but hope and trust I'll be able to get done what I need to before I go. I look forward to seeing and sharing with many of you! Thank you again for all the ways you support and partner with me in ministry!
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