Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Tico Tuesday, November 7th

And now back to your regularly scheduled Tico Tuesdays...
It's so good to be home! This is a sentiment I have often expressed in the past week. I loved my time in the States: it was a great blessing to me spiritually, emotionally, relationally, psychologically, etc. I even had a couple people buy shredded wheat (not the frosted stuff) just so I could have it for breakfast while I stayed with them! It was a wonderful trip!
But, it's really good to be back in Costa Rica: To be back in my apartment that is now clean and decked out in fall/Thanksgiving decor, to be back at church worshiping with my brothers and sisters here, to be back at work and focus on small groups again, to be with my coworkers again and see my friends and start catching up with them, to have more of a routine again, and have more control over my diet again. It's nice to say hi to my neighbors and not need the GPS pretty much every time I get in the car. And it's great to share about my trip with those who want to hear about it and tell them what God has been teaching me.
My return from this trip has been drastically different from the one from my trip in July. In addition to what I'm learning about God's love, I'm also learning about vulnerability, and I'm experiencing more freedom to be me. I think I've suppressed some of my silliness in recent years in the name of "cultural adaptation," and often allowed work to consume too much of life. So, I'm working on having more fun and enjoying the life and personality God has given me more fully. It includes a lot more dancing!
Thank you so much for continuing to walk with me on this journey. May God bless you and continue to grow your love for him each day! And please keep our new series "40 Days in the Word" and the new small group I'm opening for young adults in your prayers!

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