This past Friday was the Noche de Disfraces at youth group! It looks like it's going to become an annual thing. This year's Costume Night was much more well-planned. I think my favorite part was dividing into 4 groups and having each one make up a skit using the characters/costumes of each member. Praise God with me that the youth are continuing to grow and take ownership of their activities! We now have a good group of musicians with a growing repertoire and a group of leaders participating in a training activity on how to be a good, creative leader and discipler. More info and stories on the blog, along with some other things I've been thinking about.
God's peace and joy be with you all,
So yeah, Friday night was really fun. I'm going to try to get pictures on facebook as soon as I can. I think it was even more fun than last year, because I felt a lot more comfortable and knew a lot more people. I think costume parties/nights are a lot of fun. Maybe some people don't like to dress up. That's ok, but too bad, I think. Who doesn't like escaping reality or pretending to be someone else, even if it's just for fun for a couple hours? And it's fascinating to see who wears what, who spends money on their costume, who just throws a pretty princess dress or soccer uniform on, and contemplate perhaps why each person chose their costume (economic factors laid aside).
Who you choose to be has to reflect something about you, right? Some impossible dream, someone or something you admire, something you think is cool or funny, something you can somehow identify with. (Who dresses like something they hate?).
This year I was Cinderella. Before the fairy godmother came along. Before she even puts on her Mom's old dress. Literally CINDERella. Not something easily identifiable (somebody thought I was a dirty (in the literal meaning of the word) housewife. But's that's ok. Every girl I have ever met has wanted to be a princess. I've always wanted to be one too. But, I don't know. I thought it would be neat to be Cinderella before the transformation. One who serves others in humility. I'll be the first to confess I'm not the most humble gal around. But, that's something that God has been working on in me. So that's my deep reason. But then there's also the funny reason. Calling me Cindercruella Scumbag is a family joke/nickname. It sounds awful, but wouldn't you have awful nicknames too if you were beating your older brother at mini-golf? And of course in mini-golf, like bowling, you have to have some kind of ridiculous name anyway. I thought that would be a little too hard to explain here, so I left out the black and white hair dye Cruella part (and the scumbag) and just stuck with plain, mussed up Cinderella.
You can't see it in any of the pictures, but I did sew on the ties of my apron. I was pretty proud of that. I hadn't touched a needle and thread in waaay too long!
I got to participate in the above-mentioned leadership training too. It was good stuff. They reminded us to know our audience (the people who come to youth group). We need to remember that not everybody is in the same place spiritually and so everyone needs to be “met where they're at.” We started by talking about discipling, which is something I've been thinking about lately. As I've been wanting to invest in friends here, I haven't just been thinking “I want friends.” But I want to have community with my friends and grow together in our relationships with God. Most of my friends here haven't had the same kind of opportunities I've had (have I ever told you how amazing InterVarsity is?), and I've been trying to figure out how I can pour into them and grow with them without being condescending (because I'm too good at being condescending, and not even on purpose). And part of me realizes maybe I am being a bit of an eager beaver, or am just trying too hard to repeat life the way it was in college. But, once anyone has tasted anything as good as homemade apply nobby cake, Ben & Jerry's Phish Food, or vanilla chai tea, how can you go back to store bought apple pie, lame novelties with too much dye or boring plain black tea? You can't go back, but if you have to, it's not satisfying. I would love to have you pray with me as I continue to seek to be a good friend and spiritual builder-upper of those around me. Maybe God wants me to start some more formal disciple-y type relationships. I'm not sure. Hopefully I'll learn in the next session about how to do that in more practical terms.
Oh and during the session we watched a fantastic short video by Rob Bell. Rain. It was really powerful-I was almost crying at the end. He talks about going for a walk around a lake, carrying his young son on his back. It starts to rain-and then it pours and the poor kid is getting drenched. So Rob, his Dad takes him off his back and holds him to his chest and says, “Dad knows the way. We're gonna make it. I love you!” over and over again. And that is exactly what God does to us in the storms of life. We're clueless kids screaming our heads off because we don't understand why we're getting soaked to the bone and we're cold and miserable. But, God knows what He's doing. He will hold us close and cover us with his love and bring us to a place where we can dry off and warm up. We don't understand His ways, but we can rest and trust in Him. (*happy sigh*)
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