This weekend I had the privilege to serve as a cabin leader for 7 moms from one of Roblealto's child care centers. It was amazing and beautiful to see how God has been working in their lives. In Roblealto God is not only transforming children, but parents and entire families as well! Everything was very well planned by the Christian Ed director and members of the interdisciplinary teams (social workers, psychologists, etc). I think my favorite activity was the Noche de Gala when we all dressed up and had a special dinner. In the talk afterwards the moms learned about Esther and how she was a VIP woman (Valiente (brave), Importante y Preciosa). They all received a little treasure box and when they opened it they saw God's treasure: themselves! It was so great! More on the blog!
May we all remember this week how important and precious we are to God!
PS The impromptu concert at home was for Ana's birthday party Sunday night. We have some talented friends and family members!
Camp for Moms was a beautiful mix of fun, sharing, teaching and lots of self-esteem boosting. The Gospel was clearly presented a number of times, we did a fun activity dressing the “new woman” based on Ephesians 4, a “rally” with different stations that walked woman through learning of God's love, letting go, learning to walk with Christ, etc, there was a bonfire the first night, I got to lead a devotional with the moms in my cabin, and there was time to swim, rest and pick tons of ripe mangos! It was a really special, fun time.
I was excited to be a cabin leader and serve in camp, but when I arrived and met a whole bunch of moms whose children are in the Bible Home, I started to feel a whole bunch of things I didn't expect. I'm often tempted to judge these women- how could one be so negligent, so disrespectful, how could someone reject their own flesh and blood? How could someone be so selfish and violent, so heartless and cruel? Part of me wanted to shake these women and knock some sense into them, part of me just wanted to stare at them in shock because these women really are real, and I just didn't know what to think. But then I was able to just be SO GLAD they were there! One mom whose children I have promised myself to adopt if she abandons them was there with her mom (who has taken more responsibility for the kids). They explained she was just starting to get more involved. PRAISE GOD! I was delighted at how many of the moms at camp had already come to know Christ. It is so easy to look at a family or at a person and think they are pretty much a lost cause. Thank God He doesn't do that with us! I know I often lack the optimism and the faith to believe God can truly change a life. But, I have recently seen it in my own life and I am seeing it in the lives of not only the children, but also the families who are a part of Roblealto's programs (we have workshops and Bible studies for them). It is real. God is doing awesome work and I am honored silly to be a part of it.
God is so awesome and big and powerful and loving!!! Saturday night we asked the women, “What does God think of when He thinks of you?” I like to think He says something like what Papa says in “The Shack” “Oh _____, I'm particularly fond of him/her.” But I think it's really more like “So and so! I LOVE him/her SO MUCH!!!” and He gets a tear in His eye just at the thought of us. I've heard my pastor say before that we don't really believe that God loves us. Unfortunately that is true all too often. I don't think we are as sure of God's love as we should be. I know I'm not. We get so lost in us, us, us. And that just makes trouble! But when we think of Him, Him, Him and rest in His immeasurable, incomprehensible, unconditional love life never seemed more beautiful.
So, I thank God for what He taught me, for what He taught and showed to all the moms and Him once more for His awesome grace and unending love.