This weekend was a long weekend due to Mother's day here in Costa Rica. (Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there!)

I wanted to take advantage of it and go on a beach adventure. I invited my friend Diana. Originally, I want to go to a beach that is in Guanacaste (sort of far away), but she had a limited budget so we decided to go to a closer beach I'd never been to. Then I saw Ceci and invited her. Then I saw Ana and invited her. I went to the grocery store and bought us food, I also made a fantastic pizza so we could bring the leftovers. We were all set to leave at 5am and have a great day at the beach. Then, Ana woke me up at 2:47 in the morning. Change of plans, we were going in a microbus with some other friends and we were leaving at 3:40. Ok! We went to a different beach I'd never been before. It was great to be on the beach at 6am! We went to a really pretty nice one. What you see in the picture is what we had to hike over to get there though. The beach is part of a snazzy private resort here, but we entered the ahem, local way. Beaches in Costa Rica are public property though, so we were allowed to be there. Pretty sweet!
The moral of the story is: be flexible, because you never know what's going to happen while you're asleep. More of the day's adventure on the blog!
The other moral of the story is, bring food when you go to a secluded beach. Or else you have to leave and everyone will be too lazy to go back. At least we had a few, truly blissful hours there. After spending a good hour or so at Subway, we headed to Jacó, a very famous beach here that is much better for surfing than swimming. I actually didn't get back in the water again because of that. And it was rocky. and shade was really hard to come by too. It was still a pleasant afternoon though. A number of us learned to surf (not me, not my cup of tea). I walked on the beach some, napped a little and got to read some.
My Bible still often opens to Psalm 94 - the passage that I passionately clung to last year. I re-read it there on the beach on Sunday and tears almost came to my eyes as I once more reflected on how much (in) my life has changed in the past year. Essentially EVERYTHING has changed - my workplace, my job and responsibilities, how my relationship is with my supervisor, how I get back and forth to work (I drive now instead of bike), who is at home when I come from work (Tía is back in the States and Abuelita passed away last September), where I sleep (Ana painted our room and we got bunk beds), PLUS emotionally and spiritually I am a totally different person. I'm not who I was. God has freed me and given me new life. He has taught me so many things and is helping me grow, mature and deal with conflict and life better. And Hallelujah! He's not finished with me yet!
Anyway-that's pretty much it for the beach story. I was really tired in the afternoon since I didn't sleep much the night before. We had a smooth trip home and it truly was a great day on the beach with friends. :-)