Dear Friends and Family,
Last week, I mentioned that we had just celebrated Mother's Day here in Costa Rica. Then I proceeded to talk about my trip to the beach. This week, I want to tell you about the Mother's Day celebration we had at the Bible Home on Sunday.
Balloons, flowers, nice tablecloths and centerpieces, a raffle for gifts, food, music, brief theatrical presentation by a few of the children, games and a brief reflection all made up this special celebration for mothers who have children at the Enrique Strachan School (the school we have onsite at the Bible Home), mothers of the children who are currently living at the Bible Home, the substitute mothers who live and work at the Bible Home, and some mothers who are friends of Roblealto. It was a fun afternoon. My participation included: helping set up, writing out the numbers for the raffle "tickets," participating in the icebreakers, going to one of the houses at the Bible Home to make sure the kids didn't do anything dreadful to themselves or each other while their substitute father went to sing for the mothers, acting out 3 aspects of a virtuous woman (for the devotional) and of course, helping with cleanup. The whole afternoon was great and very special, and the final touch was... a mariachi! The women loved it! One of the teachers of the Enrique Strachan School made sure to run around taking pictures of everyone with big sombrero on. I just hope nobody had lice, because they got me towards the end...
God bless you and may we all bless our mother's this week (and every week!)
With joy,
More later-it's bedtime!!!
More later-it's bedtime!!!
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