Then on Friday, I went to another one of our child care centers to help with another activity. While I was waiting for that to start I hung out in the patio and soaked up the attention of the children who were having their outdoor play time. The 5-6 year olds were all telling me their names and then asked for paper to write them. They told me how to write their names in terms of sticks, mountains, circles and humps. It was the most adorable thing!! Didier needed some help with his capital "D". He wasn't doing too badly though. I didn't even figure out what his name really was until I looked it up in the system today. These children are so adorable! I could write you a novel, but will try to just leave some highlights on the blog.
May God use you to touch someone's life in a special way this week!
Yeah-so the group from Trinity was fantastic. This was the most I had ever worked with a group of volunteers by myself and it was phenomenal. I loved it SO MUCH!!! They were creative, flexible, spontaneous. They did wonderful activities and just poured love into those kids and gave them lots of attention - I had 28 volunteers for 9 classes (about 150 children) who typically just have one instructor each. It was beautiful! One girl offered to buy a clock for one of the instructors because there is no clock in her classrooom. Once I saw a small group of them gathered together praying. These kids totally had the perfect attitude and were just great!
One guy who shared his testimony was fantastic-he shared how his parents had a conflicitve relationship and divorced - and how God gave him peace and joy. They also shared the Gospel in a really neat way-explaining salvation in terms of someone doing push-ups in place of the losers of a soccer juggling competition. So cool! The last day they also gave gifts to all the kids and it was crazy, but beautiful.
I'd love to rave more, but I must post and go to bed. When are you coming to Roblealto???
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