Praise God for my wonderful, sweet family! He has truly blessed this portion of my trip (and it's not even over yet)!

I have had some really sweet quality time with my maternal grandparents and my aunt, uncle and cousins (and got to talk with a couple other aunts on the phone since everybody calls Grandma and Grandpa). I actually have gotten to see two of my married cousins who are close to my age!! That has been great. I am so grateful for my extended family. Between the time with my immediate family in Arizona and this, it sure makes me wish I had some biological family with me in Costa Rica. Family is still more the base unit of society there than individuals, and families tend to be very close. I like that a lot. My extended family is spread out all over the US and a few continents. So, all the more reason to make the most of what family time I can get.
And the extra special blessing? Grandma made me an apron! I'd been planning on getting one since I'm going to have my own kitchen in my apartment, but Grandma had it almost finished before I arrived and I hadn't even told her I wanted one!
May God bless you with some uplifting, quality time with your family this week!
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