Happy Tuesday!

As I mentioned last week, Wednesday, March 19th, was my 5 YEAR ANNIVERSARY of missionary service here in Costa Rica! That was a few pounds, much lighter skin, 3 jobs, and several lifetimes ago! But you know a really cool thing? The other girl in this picture? I went to her wedding last year, and I was at a baby shower for her this past weekend! Still friends! We don't see each other or talk very often, but Ana Luisa is still a very sweet, loving sister-in-Christ with whom I feel comfortable and really enjoy spending time.
Anyway, 5 years. That's the second longest I've ever lived anywhere. Maine: 7. Pennsylvania made it to about 4.5, but I was never there during summers, so that didn't really count. Therefore, Costa Rica is in 2nd place after Maine!
When I first came down here, I honestly thought I knew it all. I thought the cultural differences between here and the US weren't that significant. I thought
machismo (Male superiority/putting down of women) was practically dead here. Oh how little I actually knew! The arrogance and ignorance of youth! And I still have much, much more to learn.

Above all, I give thanks and praise to God for all he has done in me. I trust he has worked through me as well, but I can testify primarily to my own life and the incredible transformations he has brought about. I could go on about that for a very long time, but will save that for later!
May God continue to do his transforming work in each of our lives and make us more like him every day!
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