Diamonds or Toads? To introduce the theme for this year's camp for moms, I participated in a drama about the tongue, and how kind words are like jewels and flowers and unkind words like snakes and toads. I got to be the jewel and toad bewstowing fairy and it was so much fun! From the interaction I had with many of the moms, I saw open attitudes and women ready to learn and enjoy themselves. God did wonderful work in their lives. I think one of the most powerful things was through the letters we had the kids and house moms write for the moms at camp. They opened their letters and I saw tears streaming down the face of almost everyone in my cabin. Then, we let the moms share testimonies (one of the lessons we had about a jewel-like tongue was that it testifies to God's work). One mom shared how her son had turned against her and hated her and never wanted to see her again. Her son hasn't been at the Bible Home for long, and they have slowly been rebuilding their relationship. His brief note of, "I love you, Mommy. I hope you have a good time at camp" with a heart with his and her initials at the bottom of the page filled her with such emotion and joy she could not withhold the testimony of what God has been doing in her and her son. Mom after mom got up to share what God has done in them in their children. My heart was full of praise! God worked in the moms at camp, and he did some work in me too, some of which I'm still processing. I can't thank him enough for his goodness and for all he has done.
The wonderful women in my cabin on our dressup evening |
One mom, who had a poor attitude when her daughter joined us, has been transformed by God's power. She received Christ in February and has been attending the biweekly Bible study, participated in the women's self-esteem therapy group, and becoming more involved
with the rest of the family treatment plan. She was able to take her little girl home to stay yesterday, thanks and praise be to God!
I had a wonderful time sharing with the moms and getting to know them better. One mom is a year younger than me and her son will soon turn 10. Wow. She was actually at the Bible Home too when she was younger. 95% percent of families in Roblealto don't need our services in the next generation. This woman is one of the 5% who do. Please pray for the cycle to stop with her!
May all the words of our mouth be like diamonds and not like toads!
With joy and gratitude,
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