Tico Tuesday, June 11th
Yes, it´s Wednesday, but I´m making do as best I can without a compu at home. I´m so grateful it´s just a 10 minute walk over to my office here at the Bible Home! And I´m trusting my new laptop will arrive to Maine on time for the team from my church there to bring it down on Saturday! Anyway...
God is
doing great things here at the Bible Home! About a month ago, I met with two
girls to remind them of some important truths. They have been continuing to
work through their struggles and learn and grow. Last week, everyone in their
house was challenged to do something to bless others and show what they have
been learning. So, these girls composed a song and performed it during AWANA on
Sunday morning. The song was beautiful—and very well done! I was so proud of them, my heart once more was full to the brim. After
AWANA, they gave me a personal reprise and then we hung out doing cartwheels, bridges,
and backbends until their family members arrived for visiting hours. It was
delightful! These girls are very special to me right now, and I´m looking
forward to continuing to build my relationship with them and pour out more into
their lives. I have a meeting with my supervisor later this week about an idea
I have to do just that! I´ll let you know what comes of it!
May God
fill your heart to overflowing this week!
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