This past Thursday, we studied Ruth in Exemplary Women (the discipleship group I'm leading).
Artwork by S |
Though a few of the girls are usually eager to read, this time I told them to just listen and use their imagination to picture everything as I read to them. I thought I might be able to find a little video online for them to
watch or something but the only thing I found that wasn't a full length
movie was one of those animated ones that has a whole bunch of made up
stuff in it and kids watch it and think everything in it is straight out
of the Bible. So, I told them their imagination would be better. I interrupted myself a few times to explain some things, but it was just wonderful! These girls were left inspired by Ruth. I had told them before that the Book of Ruth read just like a fairy tale, and my words did not disappoint!As I read, I was impacted once more at Ruth and how God directs and provides so perfectly for her and Naomi. And, I came across something fascinating: In the Spanish version of the NIV, Boaz tells Ruth that he knows she is a "mujer ejemplar" (an exemplary woman-- that's in 3:11 if you're wondering)! I did not have that verse in mind when I named the group "Mujeres Ejemplares!" But, God did! I will have to ask, but I suspect that so far, Ruth has been everyone's favorite woman so far.
Please be praying for us this Friday: we are having our closing slumber party and it's going to be a blast! And guess what? The girls are asking for the group to continue! I'd be delighted to do so, and am checking in with my supervisor about it. It brings me such joy to see these girls enjoying our time together and motivated to learn from God's Word! So far we've only studied women in the Old Testament, so we can definitely study a lot more women in the time we have left in the year!
Thank you so much for your prayers for me and for these girls. Between now and Friday will you pick and pray for one in particular? M, MJ, K, S, J, I, or JA?
Also, if you haven't read the Book of Ruth lately, I challenge you to read it before next Tuesday! Let me know if you do and what you learn from it!
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