Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tico Tuesday, December 2nd

Good grief, I could write you a Chronicle just with the events of this past week! Speaking of Chronicles though...one should be headed your way tomorrow or Thursday! 2 Thanksgiving celebrations, a fun recreational activity, decorating for Christmas, and more!!
I think this picture is the most fun to share...At the annual recreation activity for Bible Home staff and their families, we had the opportunity to have our pictures taken with our families (all in clown gear). So, instead of having my picture taken by myself, I grabbed sweet K, the girl who is in charge of laundry and cleaning the offices at the Bible Home. She is a dear girl right about my age--a single mom working hard to finish studies (she just graduated from college this weekend and has already started further studies!) and raise her 6ish year old son as best as she can. I gave them a Jesus Storybook Bible earlier this year and they are already reading it through for the second time! I love it when K comes to clean my office because we always have a good chat. Life has been hard for her, but she is growing in her relationship with God, and that is beautiful to see!
Anyway, the recreational activity was fun. I got to swim in a nice big pool and play a homemade version of scattergories and just hang out with my coworkers. We went to the place where the first water slides in Costa Rica are...but I was enjoying the big indoor pool so much, I forgot to go outside and use the slides! Oh well. Maybe I'll have the opportunity to go back someday...
May you have some spontaneous fun this week and make the most of every opportunity you are given!

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