I was able to meet with a few people from UWM (my missions organization) this weekend at our annual retreat and they told me about a potential future ministry placement! The process is still in the discernment stage, but it sounds like it could be a really good fit for me. I'll be meeting with someone from the ministry in the next week, Lord willing. I ask you to please continue to cover me in prayer as I explore this option and ask for God to give me great wisdom and peace throughout the process, showing me whether that is where he really wants me to take my next steps or not. John Bernard, the wonderful president of UWM (see foto), recommended that I not make a decision until after I receive the spiritual formation training next month. I agree and think he is a very wise, admirable man for that and many other reasons!
The potential ministry option is here in Costa Rica, which brings me enormous relief. God has been forcing me to check my heart in this area though: is my desire to stay in Costa Rica so strong because it is from the Lord and he really wants me here? Or am I just terrified of change, learning a third culture, having to adjust my very tico Spanish to another country's version, going through bureaucratical hoops in another country's migration department, having to move from one third world country to another as a young single woman, having to get rid of many books and other belongings I've been accumulating, having to leave the new church community I'm just starting to feel a part of, etc.??? The idea of changing countries is indeed overwhelming for me, but I know that God knows best and I truly have nothing to fear. He goes before me and beside me to wherever my next placement will be, and he'll make it clear to me if that will be the option that's been presented to me or something else.
Recently, God has been revealing more of his character to me. I love him so much! And I want to be obedient and fully surrendered to him. I am his and he loves me. I don't want to have my mind set on earthly things.
May God give us the courage, grace, and wisdom to engage well in hard situations and big decisions and seek him above and before all else! Thank you again for your faithful prayers, encouragement, and support!
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