Yesterday I got a little foretaste of returning to Costa Rica and being immersed in Spanish again--which was really good because a week after I return I will be interpreting for my roommate's wedding. But seeing Cindy (who I met in Costa Rica) and John (who is tico) was good for much more than just speaking Spanish. God richly blessed our time together. It was a wonderful time of fellowship and sharing. After I saw them, I went and saw some close friends from college and had a rich time of sharing and prayer with them too. Once more I am feeling very blessed and grateful.
Nowadays, one of the things I get most excited about is traveling, and thinking of the relationship between excitement about me being in Costa Rica and the excitement of Christ being born and present, God with us, is really neat. If I get so excited about what is comparatively such a small-scale coming (me returning to Costa Rica), how excited should I be about the presence and coming of Christ (The Divine putting on skin and walking with his creation)? Wow.
May our hearts be full of awe, worship, gratitude, and excitement as we celebrate Christ's birth and anticipate his coming again!
Thank you for keeping me in your prayers and journeying with me!
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