Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tico Tuesday, November 4th

Tuesday is upon us once more!
An announcement before I launch into Tico Tuesday: since it's Birthday Month, some of you may be wondering if my address is still the same since I moved 2 months ago. It is the the same one at the Bible Home. If you are still sending mail to a Condominio #45, that is not the correct address. Please see my signature below for my current mailing address. :-)
Ok, so Thursday, for the first time in the 5.5 years I have been here, a relative came to Costa Rica! My Grandpa and his wife were passing through on a cruise and I was able to go and see them! I had some mix ups as to where they actually were and I got quite delayed in trying to find them, but thankfully we were able to see each other after all. A very kind couple (the guy had a Boston hat on so of course I knew he would be a good person to talk to) actually recalled who my grandpa was and went back to the ship to call his room and let him know I was there. I was so relieved I was actually able to see him and his wife! The time we shared was short, since it was so late already, but to just hug and talk even briefly made it worth the drive to Puntarenas and back. So...if you ever go on a cruise that stops in Costa Rica, be sure to let me know!!! And Lord willing, I won't have any delays or anything and will be able to meet up with you sin problema! And don't forget we are always looking for more short term mission teams to come serve at the Bible Home! Or you could just come and visit me... People are way better than birthday packages! I just want to make sure you are aware of all the options you have available! Jijiji ;-)
Visitors are always welcome, but, thanks be to God, I know I am never truly alone. God is with me, watching over me, and caring for me as only He can. And for that, I am immensely grateful!
May you be mindful of God's presence and watchcare over you this week!

PS. The Turrialba volcano, about 40 miles away, has been spewing ash and rocks and whatnot and severely affecting the area around it (but not me). Please be praying for all affected by this volcanic activity and for it to stop!

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