Happy Tico Tuesday!
This past week has 2 highlights so I will mention them both briefly and you can read more about each of them
First highlight, I had a blast on Friday night with a whole bunch of my friends. We got together and watched Aladdin, learned a traditional Turkish dance (from my friend Daniel who is a Turkish MK), and played Apples to Apples. We also ate food from 3 different countries. Read the blog for more!

Second--very different-- highlight-my Confirmation in the Anglican Church! What is Confirmation? Basically, it's me saying “I am a Christian who is Anglican.” This doesn't mean I think any less of any other denomination, Anglicanism is simply where I “hang my hat.” What makes it so exciting though is that Bishop Duncan (a very godly man who has fought with all his might for orthodoxy and Biblical truth in the tumultuous Episcopalian/Anglican Church) laid his hands on me and prayed for me. It was a beautiful, deep experience. More about that on the blog. If it's not on there tonight, it will be there tomorrow.

This past week has 2 highlights so I will mention them both briefly and you can read more about each of them
First highlight, I had a blast on Friday night with a whole bunch of my friends. We got together and watched Aladdin, learned a traditional Turkish dance (from my friend Daniel who is a Turkish MK), and played Apples to Apples. We also ate food from 3 different countries. Read the blog for more!
Second--very different-- highlight-my Confirmation in the Anglican Church! What is Confirmation? Basically, it's me saying “I am a Christian who is Anglican.” This doesn't mean I think any less of any other denomination, Anglicanism is simply where I “hang my hat.” What makes it so exciting though is that Bishop Duncan (a very godly man who has fought with all his might for orthodoxy and Biblical truth in the tumultuous Episcopalian/Anglican Church) laid his hands on me and prayed for me. It was a beautiful, deep experience. More about that on the blog. If it's not on there tonight, it will be there tomorrow.
Here are the elaborations:
1) The food from 3 different countries was from Mexico, Costa Rica, and the US. Maybe not as exciting as you would have hoped, but still DELICIOUS! My friend Ned is an MK whose parents serve in Mexico. He brought me back a thing of guava paste after Christmas break. YUM! They have guava paste in Costa Rica too. It is this really thick stuff you actually have to slice. (You don’t spread it like jelly). It is quite sweet so it often eaten with crackers and cheese. I discovered that I love eating it with apples and crackers though, so that’s what we did. (I’m going to miss apples in Costa Rica.) Yummy food number 2 was bean dip-I mashed up black beans and added the amazing Salsa Lizano (from Costa Rica). Ta-da! A party on your tongue in the amount of time it takes to mash up beans. And the food from the US was –Oatmeal cream pies! I was going for TastyKake Butterscotch Krumpets, but Grove City isn’t cool enough to carry them like other parts of PA. So, I had to settle for the Oatmeal cream pies.
Watching Aladdin was hilarious! I hadn’t seen it in a REALLY long time. I think my favorite part was all of us (including several guys who will remain nameless so as not to lose their manliness) singing along at the top of our lungs with “A Whole New World.” But, in order to restore these nameless men their honor I will say how impressed I was with their disgust at Jasmine’s lack of modesty. I know it’s a costume, and honestly it’s something I’m used to-it’s what Jasmine wears. But people in the US don’t dress like that every day and it’s a good thing they don’t. I just want to say I have godly, classy guyfriends and I really appreciate their respect for women and modesty.
Learning the traditional Turkish Dance was really fun. As you can see in the picture we all linked pinkies and danced in a circle-it is basically doing the grapevine and kicking your leg out. But it was fun. Then Daniel did a little bit of breakdancing for us. He did the worm backwards out of the circle, so I did it forwards across the circle. It was fun, but unfortunately resulted in rug burn on the top of my foot. Best rug burn story I’ve ever had!
Then we played Apples to Apples. I’d never played it with so many people before! It was fun though, and at the end it was neat to go around the circle and see how relevant each adjective was to the person who won it. We ended the night with a little more Turkish dancing since some people had come and gone and wanted to experience it. I was SO thrilled with the way the night turned out. I’d been wanting to dance to Turkish music ever since I missed the party the Turkish kids threw in the Tetons this summer. Then when I met Daniel, I knew he could help me make it happen. What a blast!!
Watching Aladdin was hilarious! I hadn’t seen it in a REALLY long time. I think my favorite part was all of us (including several guys who will remain nameless so as not to lose their manliness) singing along at the top of our lungs with “A Whole New World.” But, in order to restore these nameless men their honor I will say how impressed I was with their disgust at Jasmine’s lack of modesty. I know it’s a costume, and honestly it’s something I’m used to-it’s what Jasmine wears. But people in the US don’t dress like that every day and it’s a good thing they don’t. I just want to say I have godly, classy guyfriends and I really appreciate their respect for women and modesty.
Learning the traditional Turkish Dance was really fun. As you can see in the picture we all linked pinkies and danced in a circle-it is basically doing the grapevine and kicking your leg out. But it was fun. Then Daniel did a little bit of breakdancing for us. He did the worm backwards out of the circle, so I did it forwards across the circle. It was fun, but unfortunately resulted in rug burn on the top of my foot. Best rug burn story I’ve ever had!
Then we played Apples to Apples. I’d never played it with so many people before! It was fun though, and at the end it was neat to go around the circle and see how relevant each adjective was to the person who won it. We ended the night with a little more Turkish dancing since some people had come and gone and wanted to experience it. I was SO thrilled with the way the night turned out. I’d been wanting to dance to Turkish music ever since I missed the party the Turkish kids threw in the Tetons this summer. Then when I met Daniel, I knew he could help me make it happen. What a blast!!
2) CONFIRMATION CONTINUED…I got confirmed at St. Peter’s Church in Butler. I wish it could have been at Grace (my church in Slippery Rock), but the Bishop won’t be there until April and I leave in less than a week now, so that wouldn’t work. And, it was actually really neat because I attended St. Peter’s for a while when I was a sophomore and was getting more interested in Anglicanism. So it was neat to be back there, and some people even recognized me! A group of people from Grove City/Grace came, which really meant a lot to me. I was very excited to share the day with them. The confirmation itself was great. Bishop Duncan asked me a few questions and allowed me to briefly share how I came to Christ and what Scripture passage is sustaining me (John 15). Then I knelt in front of him and right before he laid his hands on me and started praying he whispered “Let the Spirit do its work” and then prayed “Defend, O Lord, your servant Carrie with your heavenly grace, that she may continue yours for ever, and daily increase in your Holy Spirit more and more, until she comes to your everlasting kingdom. Amen.” What a beautiful prayer! It was a powerful, deep experience. After the service we went out for lunch and had a wonderful time. I am so blessed!
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